Due to moist conditions, bathroom has an ideal condition for the growth of microbes. These microbes can result in health issues. The kids and seniors are especially prone to diseases related to unhygienic conditions in bathrooms. In a bid to maintain hygienic conditions, we often purchase wrong shower tile cleaners. Such mistakes are not only harmful for your family members but also affect the health and aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.
Here, we have discussed how to avoid such mistakes.
Placing the toilet brush directly into the holder
After cleaning bowl, wait for the brush to get completely dry. Use an antibacterial cleaner to clean both holder and toilet brush before you put back the brush.
Scrubbing shower tiles
The finish of the tile gets damaged due to scrubbing material like steel wool or abrasive scrubbing powder. Use mops or soft cleaning cloths instead.
Using cleaners with ammonia
Grout lines get discolored due to the presence of ammonia in several cleaners. Buy the products with milder ingredients that do not affect your tiles.
Not having an exhaust fan
There are two major benefits of exhaust fan. First, it minimizes the chances of mold and mildew growth. Second, it reduces the moisture content after you have taken a shower.
Using wrong shower door cleaner
Several cleaners might offer a clean look instantly but can harm your shower door in the long run. Choose a product that’s effective and completely safe.
Bring It On Cleaner is one such product removes years-old stains without affecting shower door. Get this product today using this link: https://touchoforanges.com/.
Mike or Linda Phillips