The problem that many homeowners have in the bathroom and kitchen is the amount of mineral spots and stains that accumulate on shower doors, faucets and windows. No matter where you are in the country you will most likely experience some type of hard water at some point.
The key is to find the right product that will remove mineral buildup on almost any surface. Now finding the right product is not always that easy, because of the amount of products that are on the shelves today. The product that I have had the most success with is called the Bring It On Cleaner Hard Mineral Remover.
Do you have a grease or cooking oil stain on your granite countertop? The Problem is, how to clean stains on granite? Perhaps you spilled some oil or grease or your kids left a pizza box on the granite overnight. Common Problem!
You can easily remove oil from granite counter tops using a high-powered oxygen bleach. The key is to just have patience as the cleaning process could span a few days depending upon the density and porosity of the granite.