The Ultimate Hard Surface Cleaner is an all-in-one environmentally safe cleaner and polish for glass, mirrors, windows, stainless steel appliances, granite, marble, inside windows, and is even safe on cleaning your eye glasses, sun glasses, TV, Plasma, PC screens and jewelry, safe on all hard surfaces. It’s also alcohol & ammonia free!
This product is a great window glass cleaner, prescription glass cleaner, aquarium glass cleaner, automotive glass cleaner.
My customers wanted a product that would clean a multitude of different specialty surfaces, so here it is!
We developed a cleaner we could offer to our customers that could be used daily for all your light to heavy cleaning jobs! This product can do the job of hundreds of cleaners under your kitchen sink! The Chemist that helped me formulate this amazing product stated, “In 30 years of developing cleaning products, this is at the top of my list for one of the best formulas”. Give it a try, you will love it!$11.99
Use Bring It On Cleaner for tough water stains and spots for all your tile...
HARD WATER STAIN REMOVER – This innovative cleaning solution contains powerful oxygen bleach. Unlike chlorine...
Bring It On Cleaner is a water spot remover guaranteed to quickly and easily remove...